November 19, 2006

Product Brochure - Selling an Online Product

When creating a product brochure for an online company, you must know that there are thousands of potential customers that are very cautious about buying an item from and sending their credit card information to an unknown online store. This is one of the reasons why a printed product brochure can help your online store to succeed. An online company needs a product brochure for credibility, because people expect a legitimate company to have a product brochure. Having a printed product brochure is also time saving, allowing potential customers to take the product brochure home to read on their own time.

When designing a product brochure you must make the buyer feel as though they cannot live without your product. Whether you are selling computers or cat toys, you must remember that the first page of your product brochure is what will draw your buyers in. If you make the common mistake of loading the product brochure with technical jargon and long complicated model numbers you have as good as lost the sale. The object is to motivate the buyer with thought-provoking statements, and colorful item descriptions that tells the reader that there is something inside that they can't live without.

The first page of the product brochure should include the company name, at least one picture of the product, and a simple flattering description of product. On the inside of your product brochure you can use more precise product information and list the different types of the product. On the back page is a good place to put your ordering information, order form or website address.

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