December 14, 2006

Letterhead and Logo Design

Letterhead and logo design should be one of your primary concerns after you have finished registering your business at the court house. The design of your logo and letterhead together create your brand, and it is your brand that is going to make your business well known on the Internet and out in the world.

But what if you're not artistic? What if you don't even have any idea what your logo or letterhead? No problem. There are a multitude of people in the advertising business and graphic design field who are more than willing to help you out. But if even that seems too overwhelming, there are a variety of services in which you can create your own unique logo and letterhead.

Many sites offer you your choice in:

* Font
* Font size
* Font color
* Graphics
* Background colors
* Placement
* Border design
* Size

When you create your own personalized combination of all of these choices and integrate your business's name and slogan, you will have created a design unlike anyone else's anywhere. This is the beginning of creating your brand, a mark that signifies to potential customers that your business is responsible for the work. Soon, your brand will signify quality to those who see it.

A great logo and letterhead will go far toward introducing your business as professional long before you get the chance to prove it through high quality work and great customer service. Additionally, your letterhead, especially, works as an advertisement for your business every time you use it to send out a letter, a memo to suppliers or distributors, or an invoice or receipt to your customers. Every time your customer sees it, the more ingrained it will become to naturally turn to you first for their purchases.

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