January 8, 2007

The Importance of Creating a Rack Card for Your Lodging Establishment

The rack card is a simple yet very effective means of advertising mid level and budget accommodation businesses. Rack card advertising is also useful for promoting local tourist attractions and camping sites. In tourist heavy areas such as the Branson, Missouri, area as well as the regions surrounding other famous national tourist attractions and landmarks, shelves filled with rack cards are a common sight in motel lobbies, restaurants, conveniences stores, rest stops, and other high traffic places.

Rack cards are smaller than brochures and flyers yet they have their advantages over those types of print media. Rack cards are designed for quick consumption, typically conveying all of their information in a glance whereas posters and fliers must be read. A rack card is designed to grab the consumer's attention and pique their curiosity so that they will seek out more information about the establishment being advertised.

By far the most important element when designing a rack card is to have a striking design or image. Often, a consumer will take the rack card based only on its image and only later will happen to glance at the back cover where more advertising information is placed. Consumers often use the rack card for a book mark since its high quality construction and rectangular shape are perfect for marking book locations. This type of second use means that the rack card stays in the customer's sphere of attention allowing ample opportunities for the advertisement to be read and digested.

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