March 9, 2007

How to Print Letterhead on Your Own Personal Computer

In the past obtaining letterhead meant contracting with a professional print company and graphic artists to design and print your letterhead. Now it is possible to design and print letterhead from a standard computer using commercial off the shelf printing technology. Most common office word processing programs have built in utilities that facilitate the design and use of letterhead. After creation, it is possible to print letterhead on blank paper for later inclusion in documents or the print letterhead template can be used as the background of the document. In the latter case, the letterhead does not have to be printed on a blank piece of paper. Rather, the letterhead will be part of the finished document and will appear when the final draft is printed.

Before you can print letterhead for use in your personal and business correspondence, it is first necessary to design the letterhead. Most word processing programs allow the use of document templates. Templates are patterns that serve as the background of future documents. Creating a template typically involves creating a custom document header, document footer and, if desired, a watermark logo. The template can be loaded at the beginning of document creation and, after the document is created, the printed final product will include both the message and letterhead.

After creating the letterhead and document, it is easy to print it. Most common desktop printers are capable of printing in full color with professional quality. Therefore, it is quite possible for the small business to print letterhead that is professional quality using their own equipment.

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March 6, 2007

Bookmark Printing

Bookmark printing is a marketing tool that allows you to put yourself in your customer's view literally every time they open a book! Creating a bookmark and acquiring a full printing is no more difficult than drawing up flyers and much less expensive per piece.

By including information on your bookmark that will serve as a reference to your customers will encourage them to hold on to your piece of advertising. For example, include a calendar for the coming year with a New Years' marketing bookmark and perhaps your customer will hold onto your bookmark for the rest of the year. On one side of the bookmark, print the calendar. On the other side, print all of the information your customer will need to find you including a street address, website URL, phone number, hours of operation, and email address. As an added bonus, you may choose to print a coupon code for them to enter in and get an extra percentage or fixed dollar discount for a purchase of a certain amount.

Use the reference material on your bookmark printing as a way to promote your product. For example, if you own a hardware store then you may choose a measurement conversion chart for your bookmark printing. In the same way, a conversion chart for cooking may be of use if you sell cooking supplies or recipe subscriptions. If you offered subscriptions to a dieting service, then calorie listings for various foods or the number of calories burned for specific activities would go well on your book mark. Or perhaps you prefer to list URL addresses for resources that would benefit your customers, offering advertising to complementary businesses and perhaps even earning a bit of money from these same businesses to pay for your bookmark printing entirely!

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March 3, 2007

Getting Your Brochures Printed Online

If you have your own business, you probably will need brochures printed from time to time. No matter if you need a marketing brochure, a full color brochure, or a black and white brochure, you will likely not want to do it yourself. If you happen to have a brochure printer, you can take on the task at your office, but most people wont invest in a printer just for a once a year task.

One great thing you can do to get your brochures finished with little effort and time invested is to do so online. There are many online companies that specialize in the design, printing, and delivery of business brochures. A company brochure can really help you sell your services or products much easier because it offers your potential clients something to take with them. It reminds them how great you are and why they met with you in the first place.

Ordering your brochures online can take as little as a week overall. You typically will go online, create your design using the online format, place your order, and they are delivered to your door. It is amazing how easy the whole process is. Once you order your business materials online, you will never waste time and effort doing it yourself ever again!

So, go online and start researching the various types of business brochures available for you. Choose several styles you like and save them or print them off. Then sit on it for a day and come back to make your final decisions. Although you might pay a little more than you would doing it yourself, you will save yourself money overall because you wont be wasting your precious work time to do something as tedious as printing brochures. Online printing is the way to go, especially for the busy business people of todays world.

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March 1, 2007

Tips about Discount Post Card Printing

Everyone who has ever owned a business would like to get their business post cards nicely printed at an excellent discount price. Post cards are often a very good way to get the word out about your business and the services you offer. But if you don't know what to look for when you go to get your business post cards printed, you can think you're getting a good price, but you are actually not getting the kind of discount prices that are available if you know what to look for and you don't mind shopping around. Discount post card printing prices can vary greatly across the board.

Some things to keep in mind when choosing a discount post card printing service include things like color, paper quality, printing charges, quantities, shipping charges and turnaround time.

If you want the best quality discount post cards, you should find a discount post card printer that offers four color printing at a reasonable price. Some companies only offer two color printing, which is not as high quality as four color printing.

Another thing to consider is paper quality. The quality of the image depends a lot of the quality of the paper. You should request at least 12 points and go for the high quality gloss stock.

It is also recommended to find a printing service that does not charge extra for printing on both sides of the post card. This service is available if you look for it. You also want to find out the quantity of post cards that are required for one order. If you only need 500, don't go with a printing service that has a minimum order of 1000.

Last, but not least, check out things like shipping charges and turnaround time.

All of these things will make a difference in the quality of your business post cards.

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February 26, 2007

Flyer Printing

Flyers are a proven way to help you build your business, whether it is a new business or one that is more established. Flyers are a quick and easy way to get the word out about services you currently offer, or new services that you have just begun to offer. Flyers are also usually very inexpensive and you can get quite a few flyers printed for a fairly reasonable price.

Of course, you can either have some type of printing service design and print your flyers for you or you can choose to purchase any one of several software packages that helps you design and print your flyers quickly and easily. Either way, your can get very attractive and professional looking flyers at a cost that is affordable for your printing budget and for your needs.

The software packages let you design your own flyer, or you can use one of their helpful flyer templates that make designing your flyer very simple. They do not take a lot of time to do, and most of the various desktop printing software packages are user-friendly, so you don't have to learn a lot of particulars about how to use it before you begin. You can start designing your flyer in minutes, and can have it completely designed in under an hour, depending on what you want.

The other choice is to have a local printing service design and print your flyers for you. Flyer printing services are usually reasonably priced, and it pays to shop around to find the printer service that will give you what you want at a price you can be happy about. You can also order flyer printing from online sources. This can be a good option for those that cannot find flyer printing services in their own area.

With online printing services, it is always a good idea to check out how much the shipping cost will be, because sometimes there are hidden costs in the shipping.

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