October 26, 2006

When A Business Post Card Is Needed

You may be getting many pieces of junk mail in your mailbox these days and be leery of sending out business mail for no reason. With the cost of postage rising all of the time, it is no wonder everyone is cutting back on their mail sending. However, there are certain times when it is necessary to send out business mailings. One of the cheapest ways to do this is via a business post card. You can send business post cards for much less than a brochure or tri fold flyer. So check into post card printing and get business post cards ready for you to mail out today. Check out these reasons many businesses choose to use a business post card.
The most popular reason for using a business post card is for when you are moving your business to a different location. Instead of spending money on the envelopes, paper, and increased postage it costs to send out an official letter telling your customers and clients your new address, you can instead send out a simple business post card for the task. Just include the fact that you are moving and your new address. Your clients will be most likely to read and save a business post card for future reference then they would a regular sized letter.
New Services
In addition to moving, many business owners will send out a business post card when they start offering a new service. You may have increased your existing services and want your clients to know about the changes taking place. A business post card is a great way to get the word out that you are offering something new or improved.
You can easily do post card printing yourself, if you like or you can get a local copy shop to do the printing for you. No matter which method of post card printing you choose to look into, you can guarantee your clients will pay attention to your cool business post cards and what they say. You will also save money due to the fact that it is much cheaper to send a post card than a regular sized letter. When you are only mailing one, the few cents in the difference might not make a big difference. But, if you are mailing thousands, it can really add up in the end.

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October 23, 2006

How to Capture Interest in a Marketing Brochure

A marketing brochure can enhance your sales efforts instantaneously. You can use your custom marketing brochure to stay in touch with customers, describe a product or detail the services you offer. The possibilities are endless. The first page of your marketing brochure a reader will see is the front cover. If you make the common mistake of loading the marketing brochure with technical jargon, you have as good as lost a sale. The object is to motivate the reader with thought-provoking statements that tells the reader that there is something inside that will interest them.

You need to decide whether you want to have your marketing brochure done professionally or if you want to design it yourself. If you have your marketing brochure done professionally you know you are getting a quality product with top of the line printing techniques and you can get large quantities made in less time than making them yourself. Also with having your marketing brochure professionally printed, you can choose from several different templates and designs.

By creating your marketing brochure yourself, you can save both time and money. Whether you are a real estate agent or an accountant, the influence of a well-done marketing brochure that conveys your message with visual impact cannot be overestimated. It is easy to create your own marketing brochure inexpensively by using a high-quality printer and the right paper. Also, by creating the marketing brochure yourself you can print only what you need, and avoid the infexible amounts that you would have to have printed if you used a professional print shop.

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October 21, 2006

The Importance of Creating a Rack Card for Your Lodging Establishment

The rack card is a simple yet very effective means of advertising mid level and budget accommodation businesses. Rack card advertising is also useful for promoting local tourist attractions and camping sites. In tourist heavy areas such as the Branson, Missouri, area as well as the regions surrounding other famous national tourist attractions and landmarks, shelves filled with rack cards are a common sight in motel lobbies, restaurants, conveniences stores, rest stops, and other high traffic places.

Rack cards are smaller than brochures and flyers yet they have their advantages over those types of print media. Rack cards are designed for quick consumption, typically conveying all of their information in a glance whereas posters and fliers must be read. A rack card is designed to grab the consumer's attention and pique their curiosity so that they will seek out more information about the establishment being advertised.

By far the most important element when designing a rack card is to have a striking design or image. Often, a consumer will take the rack card based only on its image and only later will happen to glance at the back cover where more advertising information is placed. Consumers often use the rack card for a book mark since its high quality construction and rectangular shape are perfect for marking book locations. This type of second use means that the rack card stays in the customer's sphere of attention allowing ample opportunities for the advertisement to be read and digested.

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October 18, 2006

Product Sell Sheets

Product sell sheets fill a need for any business. Their purpose is to sell whatever service or product your business offers. A good product sell sheet will outline in detail why people need you and your business. The goal is to get customers motivated to buy what you offer. Product sell sheets are an invaluable service in the business world. Every successful company uses product sell sheets about each individual product they sell to give potential buyers a lot of information about their products in a professional manner.

Product sell sheets are often a glossy, informative package that highlights the advantages of a particular product. Most companies have product sell sheets for every one of the products, while other companies have them for their highest selling items or those that they want to become high sellers, or even those products that are new to the market and businesses want to get the word out about these new products.

The key to product sell sheets is to have sell sheets that are professionally designed and produced and are brand and product specific. There are many printing and design services that will give you the kind of product sell sheets that will look fantastic and sell your products like hotcakes.

When deciding what to put on your product sell sheets, it is important to decide which features of your product you most want to highlight so that customers will feel that they need to buy your product. Product sell sheets give the hard sell without appearing to, because they use the most attractive and useful qualities of your product and present them in an understandable way.

Find a good printer who can print your product sell sheets at the highest level of quality. They need to have four color printing capabilities and a good designer so that your product sell sheets accomplish the purpose they were designed for.

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October 15, 2006

Custom Printing

Custom printing in any medium is a great creative way to reach a variety of customers. You have your choice when it comes to printing options. They include:

* Business cards
* Logos
* Letterhead and stationery
* Flyers
* Brochures

Alone or in concert, all of these forms of advertising are extremely effective in getting your contact information and, in general, news of your business out into the world. When you customize and design your own logo, stamping it on everything through bulk and wholesale printing, you're increasing your sales potential with each run of the printer. And it's so cost effective that it's really hard to turn down. Consider the possibilities:

Business cards Business cards are small enough to be slipped into the hands of a networking agent or a potential client or slid into brochures. Clipped anywhere and easily filed, customized business cards are essential.

Logos Like business cards, it's difficult to run a business successfully without a logo. Create your own or hire a graphic designer or artist to create one for you. Use an online company that offers a step by step guide to designing a logo with their selection of templates, fonts, and colors. No matter what, before you get too far in your advertising campaign, you must create an original logo.

Letterhead and stationery Letterhead and stationery will utilize your logo in order to stamp your brand at the top of all of your correspondence. Clip a business card to the top and there's no way that the recipient will be unable to track you down.

Flyers Post flyers with your logo and reminders of upcoming sales and promotions before big grand openings or special events. They grab attention and serve as a reminder when used in addition to other media.

Brochures Brochures offer a chance to not only imprint your brand but offer detailed answers to questions that a potential customer might have about your products and services.

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