May 25, 2006

Flyer Printing

Flyers are a proven way to help you build your business, whether it is a new business or one that is more established. Flyers are a quick and easy way to get the word out about services you currently offer, or new services that you have just begun to offer. Flyers are also usually very inexpensive and you can get quite a few flyers printed for a fairly reasonable price.

Of course, you can either have some type of printing service design and print your flyers for you or you can choose to purchase any one of several software packages that helps you design and print your flyers quickly and easily. Either way, your can get very attractive and professional looking flyers at a cost that is affordable for your printing budget and for your needs.

The software packages let you design your own flyer, or you can use one of their helpful flyer templates that make designing your flyer very simple. They do not take a lot of time to do, and most of the various desktop printing software packages are user-friendly, so you don't have to learn a lot of particulars about how to use it before you begin. You can start designing your flyer in minutes, and can have it completely designed in under an hour, depending on what you want.

The other choice is to have a local printing service design and print your flyers for you. Flyer printing services are usually reasonably priced, and it pays to shop around to find the printer service that will give you what you want at a price you can be happy about. You can also order flyer printing from online sources. This can be a good option for those that cannot find flyer printing services in their own area.

With online printing services, it is always a good idea to check out how much the shipping cost will be, because sometimes there are hidden costs in the shipping.

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May 22, 2006

Letterhead and Logo Design

Letterhead and logo design should be one of your primary concerns after you have finished registering your business at the court house. The design of your logo and letterhead together create your brand, and it is your brand that is going to make your business well known on the Internet and out in the world.

But what if you're not artistic? What if you don't even have any idea what your logo or letterhead? No problem. There are a multitude of people in the advertising business and graphic design field who are more than willing to help you out. But if even that seems too overwhelming, there are a variety of services in which you can create your own unique logo and letterhead.

Many sites offer you your choice in:

* Font
* Font size
* Font color
* Graphics
* Background colors
* Placement
* Border design
* Size

When you create your own personalized combination of all of these choices and integrate your business's name and slogan, you will have created a design unlike anyone else's anywhere. This is the beginning of creating your brand, a mark that signifies to potential customers that your business is responsible for the work. Soon, your brand will signify quality to those who see it.

A great logo and letterhead will go far toward introducing your business as professional long before you get the chance to prove it through high quality work and great customer service. Additionally, your letterhead, especially, works as an advertisement for your business every time you use it to send out a letter, a memo to suppliers or distributors, or an invoice or receipt to your customers. Every time your customer sees it, the more ingrained it will become to naturally turn to you first for their purchases.

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May 19, 2006

Custom Printing

Custom printing in any medium is a great creative way to reach a variety of customers. You have your choice when it comes to printing options. They include:

* Business cards
* Logos
* Letterhead and stationery
* Flyers
* Brochures

Alone or in concert, all of these forms of advertising are extremely effective in getting your contact information and, in general, news of your business out into the world. When you customize and design your own logo, stamping it on everything through bulk and wholesale printing, you're increasing your sales potential with each run of the printer. And it's so cost effective that it's really hard to turn down. Consider the possibilities:

Business cards Business cards are small enough to be slipped into the hands of a networking agent or a potential client or slid into brochures. Clipped anywhere and easily filed, customized business cards are essential.

Logos Like business cards, it's difficult to run a business successfully without a logo. Create your own or hire a graphic designer or artist to create one for you. Use an online company that offers a step by step guide to designing a logo with their selection of templates, fonts, and colors. No matter what, before you get too far in your advertising campaign, you must create an original logo.

Letterhead and stationery Letterhead and stationery will utilize your logo in order to stamp your brand at the top of all of your correspondence. Clip a business card to the top and there's no way that the recipient will be unable to track you down.

Flyers Post flyers with your logo and reminders of upcoming sales and promotions before big grand openings or special events. They grab attention and serve as a reminder when used in addition to other media.

Brochures Brochures offer a chance to not only imprint your brand but offer detailed answers to questions that a potential customer might have about your products and services.

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Sales Brochures

Sales brochures are necessary for any business that has any kind of service or any kind of product for sale. You want to communicate a message about your business and what you offer. You want to attract your target customer so that they will know what you have to offer and so that they will remember your business when they need a particular type of product or service.

Sales brochures are one of the best and most powerful marketing tools available to any business. They give detailed information, and provide pictures and advertisement material that will sell your product or service effortlessly. A good sales brochure is one of the most valuable things you can spend your printing and advertising budget on.

Of course, you don't want to spend your entire printing budget on your sales brochures. So you will want to find a printer that will give you a lot for your printing dollar. This is especially important if you are new to the business world and do not have a lot of ideas about what kind of sales brochure you want. Find a printing service that will offer everything from the professional and attention-grabbing design to the final printing of your sales brochure. If you work with one company for the entire process, you are much more likely to get a sales brochure that reflects your business.

No matter what kind of sales brochure you go with, there are a variety of styles and approaches. The key is to find the one that works best for your service or for your product. You want to attract customers, and if you have a sales brochure that is not professional or does not do a good job of selling what you have, then it was not worth your time and money. An excellent sales brochure is worth spending time on.

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April 21, 2006

Spot Color or 4-Color (CMYK)?

Spot colors use ink that is custom mixed and usually referred to as a PMS (Pantone Matching System) color.  Most of the time, spot color is used with 1 or 2-color printing, or to compliment expensive 4-color projects by being added on as a 5th or 6th color.  Inks like fluorescent yellow, metallic silver or PMS 392 are examples of spot color.  If you want to have the options of using more colors without running the job into a 5 or 6 color job, then CMYK color in your design.  This will give you an unlimited number of colors you can use in your design with just paying for 4 color process printing (CMYK).  Full-color photos are always printed CMYK.  If your design includes spot colors and you did not build hem in CMYK, we can convert them to CMYK at not additional charge.  If you really want a custom mixed ink for your job, we can do that as well.

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