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Commercial print shops Grand Rapids

Mesa Buying Letterhead Wholesale
How much letterhead and office stationary does your business use daily? How about on a weekly or annual basis? Whether a new business or "old hat" in the .....
Some businesses choose to advertise their products and services in print by sending customers catalogs. If you own a small or large business and have a large inventory of products to offer customers, you should consider selecting a competent Commercial printing services to help you create a custom catalog for your business.

Tip: Should I Use One or Two Spaces to start a new sentence?
This is one of the most frequently asked design questions. Should I put one or two spaces after each sentence? The industry standard is to put only one space between sentences.

Huntington Beach Discount Brochure Printing Shop
Whether your business involves selling products or offering services, chances are at some time or another you will consider creating custom brochures to help advertise your .....
Some key considerations for your catalog will include the layout and design and the quality printing you select. In most cases you are likely to attract positive attention when you utilize full color commercial printing services.

Q: How close will my print job match what I see on my monitor?

A: Very often customers are pleasantly surprised at how well their job matches what they see on their computer screen. But keep in mind, because of the wide differences in monitor calibration and the different technologies used, some printed colors may not exactly match the colors on your specific monitor.
Newark Four Color Printing Info
There are many services you should take advantage of when using commercial printers, none the least of which includes color commercial printing .

When printing educational materials, promotional materials or .....

Color advertisements are more likely to pop out in a catalog than black and white ads. If you aren't handy with words you might also consider hiring a copywriter to create custom ads for your business. Don't forget to proof these ads before sending the final draft of your catalog to your online print store for printing.

Aside from a company catalog, you might consider other promotional printing materials that may entice new customers. Popular items include company memo pads and calendars for example. Many business owners also include a custom business card on the front cover of their catalog, complete with logo and company slogan. That way Grand Rapids, Michigan customers can pocket the business card or keep it handy when they need to order your products on a moment's notice.

Tip: Preferred File Formats for Images?
Photographic images can be saved in different file formats. The format of choice is one that does not lose color quality, contrast or file size. TIF or EPS files are examples of lossless file formats. They are designed to print clear and crisp at a resolution of 300dpi at their final size in the layout. JPEG/JPG or GIF files are examples of lossy file formats. They were originally designed for easy file transmission and internet use, not for printing.

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Office Printing

Brochures : Sell Sheets : Product Sheets : Tri-fold Brochures : Statement Stuffers : CD Covers
Other Brochures : Postcards : Real Estate Postcards : Mortgage Postcards : Links : Article :
General Business Postcards
: Cards : Rack Cards : Bookmarks : Notecards : Newsletters :
Stationery : Business Stationery : Business Cards : Articles : Articles 2 : Labels : Envelopes :
: Full Color Catalogs : Booklets : Copies : Design Services : Logo Design :
Brochure Design
: Stationery Design : Marketing Forum : Printing Education : Resources:

Printing Services
Copyright © 2005 Graphic Connections Group, LLC "My Print Shop Online is a division of Graphic Connections Group, LLC."
Come to us for all your business printing needs. Services include brochure printing, full color printing, commercial printing, and digital printing. We can do all types of stationery, including letterhead, envelopes, mailing labels, and business cards. Don't forget postcard printing as well. Whether it is real estate postcards, marketing post cards, announcements postcards, or any other type of business post card, or full color post card printing, we can handle it. Don't forget our line of statement stuffers, rack cards, bookmarks, notecards and CD Covers. Newsletters and even color copies. Catalogs and booklets are another specialty. Finally, we can design it all as well, including logo design, brochure design, and stationery design.